Whenever people go on a date, they often book the fanciest restaurants, buy tickets for the hottest events and visit the most interesting places for the most exciting experiences. They hope that these kind of experiences will give them a good time and add ‘sparks’ to an otherwise boring date — a way to help set the mood, similar to how alcohol helps people relax.
No matter what relationship you’re in — healthy, passionate or long-lasting — people can still change. Back then, I thought I knew everything about love and how relationships worked. At least my heart thought so. My relationship at the time proved it. My friends would come to
Hearing those words stung. It hurt, like needle sharp pains stabbing at your soul. It made me want to cry. My ex-boyfriend had yelled at me because I had forgotten to check the expiration date for the milk. I was
I used to think being physically together with the person you love carves a deeper relationship, because the more you snuggle and swap stories with each other, the closer you feel. Makes sense, doesn’t it? That’s why I would always try to